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The Benefits of Homemade Tinder 

So you want to know: what is homemade tinder? There are many different types, but the three most basic ones are cotton balls and rope. Cotton rope is coated with wax or petroleum distillates, which ignite the fire. You can also use dried dung from herbivores, which you can break up into pieces and burn. However, you must remember that tinder should be dry and fluffy to light up.

Homemade tinder has several advantages over store-bought tinder. First of all, it is easier to ignite. Moreover, tinder is a natural substance that can be easily split into small pieces. Another advantage is its open structure and high surface area. You can also use feather sticks to hold the slivers together. A dead branch also works well as tinder. If you are planning to make a fire, always remember that a good tinder is something that will ignite quickly.

Next, you should know where to find tinder. Lint from your dryer is a great source of tinder. Lint traps hold lint collected from your clothes. If you do not have a dryer, try searching your pockets for lint. If you can't find it, try your socks. These are often easy to find. If you don't have a dryer, try looking around your pockets or drawers. You may even find lint in your socks.

You can make your own tinder with inexpensive ingredients and a few minutes. Here are some things you can use: vaseline-soaked cotton wool balls, newspaper, and tumble dryer lint. After you've made your homemade tinder, you can try it out!


Vaseline-soaked cotton wool balls make great tinder and have proven to be more resilient during downpours. They also last much longer than store-bought emergency fire tinders. But they're messy! It's best to have plenty of space and time to make them. Be sure to keep a dry spot nearby for the spark to catch. To make them more durable, cut the cotton balls in half and squeeze the water out.

When used for homemade tinder, cotton balls catch and sustain a flame well. They also burn rapidly but briefly, making them a convenient and effective fire starter. If you don't have cotton wool balls, you can also use a PJCB (prepared jet fuel), a road flare, or steel wool.


Char cloth is not only environmentally friendly but also much cheaper. Plus, it has medical applications. Char cloth is made by charring a 100% cotton cloth. Many instructional videos show you how to make it, too.

The second benefit is that char cloth is easy to ignite. A single spark or point of heat is all that is needed to ignite a homemade tinder. Char cloth is much more resistant to moisture and wind than matches. It will burn longer and is easier to ignite than a match.


Sacrificial wood is an excellent source of sawdust and paraffin wax for making homemade tinder. In addition to pine needles, paraffin is a great wood-burning stove starter. Pine needles can be dried just like chives or put in egg cartons to create a fire starter. Sawdust is another great tinder material. The woodworker is always surrounded by sawdust and cutoffs.